The Blum Center is pleased to host a workshop series for the 2023/24 AY


The Blum Center is pleased to host a workshop series for the 2023/24 AY. 

We are establishing a cooperative economics campus cohort and forum to discuss readings and works-in-progress, learn about on-campus projects, feature guest speakers, and more.

Our first in-person workshop will be held Friday, December 1st @2pm in HSSB 4020.

Reading link: We will discuss Nikolay Kamenov's "Imperial Cooperative Experiments and Global Market Capitalism, c.1900-c.1960."

We will also provide an opportunity for attendees to meet, visit, and share respective interests in cooperative principles and ideas.

Light refreshments will be provided. RSVP here

To join us on Zoom, please use this link.

If you have any additional questions, please contact Nick Cohen,